Dignity Every Day
Improving wellbeing for women and girls across the world
Liita Iyaloo Cairney
Managing Director
Find out more about Kalitasha and our mission
Founded by Dr. Liita Cairney in 2015, Kalitasha is a visionary company that is dedicated to bringing dignity to women everyday, using menstrual cycle hygiene & awareness as a framework for advancing the social empowerment of young women.
Our first product, the KOREE, is a unique, patent-protected, ergonomically designed, reusable menstrual hygiene product. Read more about the KOREE below.

A beautifully designed and unique feminine hygiene product that is externally worn and re-usable
Our Koree kits are aimed at adolescent girls and created to give them the physical and psychological security they need everyday of their period. Our Koree shell is made of high-grade biologically safe silicon that fits beautifully around the female pubic area. The washable pads are soft and very absorbent, giving girls the peace of mind they seek during menstruation.
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